Prince Kai.

"Come on, Eloisa, what's with your attitude? No enthusiasm at all? We are gonna be roommates!" Lena pouted. 

"Don't be silly," Eloisa voiced coldly. Lena snorted, the lady was just as everyone described, cold and ruthless but it was also a cool shade on her, she thought. 

Eloisa ignored Lena as they walked towards the hotel, Lena did not mind this at all, she walked beside her silently and watched her discreetly. Eloisa suddenly paused for a brief moment and tilted her body to the side, a frown etched on her face.

"What is that?" Lena stopped walking at the same time and asked. 

"Who is he?" Eloisa questioned, she arched a brow and looked in a direction. Lena looked over and saw Kai walking behind them. 

"Oh, him? Just ignore him, he is a nobody" she uttered and glared at Kai.