Simple And Glamorous.

The competition began on the second day after they had arrived. The competition would last for five days, with twenty competitors. Each day, the competitors would be given a theme as the basis of the concept for their design. The designers who participated in the competition were expected to design pieces of jewelry that surpassed market expectations. It had to be higher than the average jewelry sold commercially. 

Lena and Eloisa had also prepared like the other competitors. After Lena's enlightenment, Eloisa was able to improve her jewelry designs and she felt more confident about her ability. She might not win the competition but, she was certain that she would not lose thoroughly either. The interaction between the two ladies became better too after that day. 

"Eloisa, please help me with my phone, I almost forgot about it" Lena muttered. She stood by the door while she waited patiently for Eloisa who was getting prepared too.