Warning Alarms.

Despite the warning alarms, she could not ignore the calling...

"Butler Luther, he may be a vicious monster or a bloodthirsty demon to you at this time but, he is my husband! So, what if he wants my blood? Good for me, the moment I married him, my body and soul belongs to him! I will not abandon my husband! Bring me to him now or I will find him myself!" 

"Madam—" the butler was astonished, even after saying all of that, she still wanted to see him? She was not scared at all? For some reason, the old butler heaved a sigh of relief. He finally believed that his madam had not chosen the wrong woman. 

Although he would not blame her even if she got scared and ran away. However, when everyone saw the master as a monster, she saw him as her husband. It was the first time that he ever acknowledged the master as her husband. 

"Okay madam, I will bring you to him" the Butler yielded eventually. There was no need to hide again since she was willing to see.