I Got You—.

"MINE!" He enunciated, his glowing blood red eyes gazed upon her with intimidation but she was not terrified, she pressed her palm on his forehead and checked his temperature, his body was so hot that she could almost see the steam escape his pores. 

"Alex, are you okay? Do you want water? Do you know who I am? You can recognize me right...?" She voiced anxiously and took a step back from him. 

For a brief moment, the man just stared at her, viciousness and murderous intent were concealed under his gaze. He stared at her as though she was his prey but, she did not notice this, she was more concerned about him. 

"Why aren't you saying anything? Did you not like to talk to me? Look, it's me, Lena..." She took a step closer to him. Feeling her close again, the man opened his mouth and his lips moved, Lena could not catch up with what he was saying, she pressed her ear closer to his lips to listen to him.