Flaunting Love.

"Darling, I am so happy for you, at least, you are not entirely trapped here, right?" May uttered looking solemnly at her best friend. 

Lena laughed softly, she pinched a piece of cookie between her fingers and stroked her jaw with her other hand. 

"Mm, I guess I am now," she mumbled. At least, the castle was better than every other place she had stayed in the two decades of her life. It offered her the most comfort she never ever expected. The people around we're good to her too. Even Alexandro, he gave her unlimited pampering and indulgence... What more could she ask for? She placed the cookie on the plate and rubbed the back of her neck. Her finger grazed the plastered spot and she paused before pulling her hand away. 

"Trust me, you will be fine," May said and offered her best friend a soft smile.