Unfathomable Thoughts.

"Lena, I am really glad that you finally have someone to care for you and watch your back... I have always longed for that for you... From what I see, your husband does not seem to be a bad person. The way his eyes linger on you speaks a lot more than words of the mouth. This time, I hope you can be really happy," May suddenly took Lena's hand and clasped her fingers around her hand. She spoke these words and her lips smiled in accordance. 

Lena sighed, although she had only met May in her senior year in high school, she felt the bond between them was more like a blood bond. The two were very understanding about each other and they have each other's back at the same time. Despite their imperfections, they would never let themselves suffer grievances. 

"You are truly my good friend" Lena muttered and smiled back at May whose face immediately flashed a face-splitting grin.