Unusual Silver Hair.

May closed her eyes and leaned into the seat of the car, the man driving cast a glance at her through the mirror but he soon looked away in the next moment. It was one of the rarest times he had ever seen her be so calm. His face revealed no emotion as he returned his focus to the road. A while later, the harsh ringing of a phone alerted the two. May's lashes moved and she sat up immediately. She searched her course and found her phone. She started at the screen of the phone for a brief second before answering the call. 

"Dad" she muttered, the lines of her forehead gradually morphing into a frown. 

"Naughty child! Why am I finding out that you left the house without my consent again?! Did you forget that you are under house arrest? Are you trying to rebel against your father?" Her father's angry voice bellowed.