Her Bloodline.

May stood up and was about to leave. Freiya did not stop her as she walked to the door, she toyed with a vial between her fingers and hummed an unfamiliar tone. May was already used to this attitude of hers and did not mind it either. Just as May tugged on the doorknob, Freiya raised her head slowly and glanced in May's direction. She parted her lips at that moment and words flowed out of her mouth. 

"This is your path of destiny" Freiya spoke vaguely. 

May's fingers curled around the doorknob froze, she slanted her body and fixed her gaze on the smiling girl. 

"My path of destiny?" May uttered, Confusion written all over her face. 

"You will find out more in the future..." Freiya responded, her dark eyes smiling patiently at May who did not find it in herself to smile. 

Seeing that the girl was not going to say more, May turned her back on the girl and pushed the door open. Pulling her leather jacket closer to herself, she stepped into the dark.