Don't Feel Entitled.

"Sister-in-law, who is it that you were talking to over the phone?" Princess Adelheidi questioned as soon as Lena Dropped her phone on the table. The princess left her side of the table in one large swoop and hurriedly sat beside Lena. 

"That was my best friend, May" Lena answered with a smile. She picked a piece of cookie and put it in her mouth. 

"Ah... Best friend" Princess Adelheidi muttered while Lena hummed and gave a slight nod. 

"Sister-in-law, tell me, what does it look like to have a best friend?" The princess suddenly asked and Lena paused. 

Lena threw a look in her direction and cooked her brows while her lips parted to release a tiny chuckle, "are you seriously asking me that, Adel?" She questioned with a hint of amusement playing on her lips. 

The princess knitted her brows briefly and glanced at her fingers. Then, she looked at Lena and bobbed her head seriously.