To Win Him.

May woke up at the continuous blaring ringtone of her cell phone. She sat up with a start and clenched her forehead. It felt seriously throbbing and painful. She closed her eyes and hissed while brushing her fingers through her tangled bird's nest hair. 

The ringing of her phone stopped briefly but only a few seconds passed and it continued ringing again disrupting the brief peace she got. She parted her lips and released strings of complaints before she eventually reached out for the phone and picked it up. 

She narrowed her eyes to check out who the caller was and when she saw that it was Lena, she scowled and clicked the answer button immediately. 

"Why? Just why are you blasting my cell phone this early?!" She yelled as soon as she picked up the call. She almost regretted switching on her phone before sleeping the night before. If she had switched off her phone, she wouldn't be disturbed so early.