Hello, Buddy...

May climbed out of the bed and walked into the bathroom. She had a quick shower before changing back into her previous clothes when she could not find any shirt that belonged to him. She grabbed her phone and left the room. 

She arrived at the living room, scanning her eyes through the corners of the room, she search for him but did not find him at first. 

"Such a bad host" she snorted and pulled her face into a tiny frown. She tucked the strands of her hair behind her ear and walked stretched her leg to walk forward. She reached the dining area and pulled out a chair to sit while waiting for his appearance. 

May waited for a brief moment but he made no appearance. She popped her elbow on the table and leaned her chin into her cupped palm. When he said she should get out, he did not mean the practical 'get out', right? She thought and pursed her lips.