
"That— that young man! He just likes to speak nonsense!" May exclaimed, she slightly lifted an eye and cast a glance at the man sitting across her. His face maintained its usual coldness, he calmly drank his wine and did not bother to look at her nor did he comment on her words. She snorted and viciously stabbed the fried egg on her plate. 

"Are you done?" Kai questioned as he dropped the glass on the table and suddenly fixed his gaze on her. 

May was momentarily shocked when his eyes suddenly met hers. Her body jolted slightly and she inadvertently lowered her gaze. After a second, she exhaled and raised her head. She met with his eyes confidently and smiled. 

"Yes, do you want to chase me out of your house now?" She jokingly asked and for the first time, she thought she saw the head of the man move slowly and firmly to form a tiny nod.

"Yes," he muttered frigidly.