Prove It.

In the past, he used to be the one initiating intimacy between them, she remember clearly how much he used to love holding her in his arms. At time times, she always wanted to hide. But now, she was hugging him so close to feel his warmth but he was so stiff.

Did he repulse her now? Had he stopped liking her so much that he was avoiding her? Her heart clenched and her eyes stung. She tightened her arms around him not willing to let go and then, opened her mouth. 

"Alex... Are you avoiding me?" She asked softly with a broken voice.

Alexandro's body froze, it felt as though a bucket of ice was doused on his body when he heard her question. Did he repulse her? Did he hate her?

No! He had never and would never! She was his woman, why would he ever think of hating her? Rather than hate or repulse her, he would hate himself. 

But, was he avoiding her?