Forget It.

Alexandro could not tell if she had listened to his words or not, he was anxious and when almost forgot the reason why he avoided her in the first place. All he wanted at the moment was to just pull her into his arms and kiss her talkative lips until he left her senses messy and she would never think of the word 'hate' ever again. 

He was still thinking about this when she suddenly climbed down from the bed and stood in front of him. 

"You are sorry? You don't hate me?" She asked calmly and he nodded with a small 'mm'. 

Her eyes were fixated on him when she parted her lips again and two soft words flowed out of her mouth. 

"Prove it"

Alexandro was confused by her words, he arched his brows and before he could ask what she meant, the long silky robe that was tied around her body suddenly came loose exposing the fiery red lingerie that managed to only cover a bit of her body.