A Delicious Lemon Tree

Florin's POV

It had been four days since those wretched guests arrived here, disturbing my alone time with My Lord.

I already had to compete for his attention with Athena, but now, three more women joined the fray.

They're nothing but leeches who only knew how to suck blood yet still dare to complain! I cursed them in my mind as I repeatedly stabbed the soil with my small shovel to soften it.

As usual, I was in the greenhouse, tending the plants. It felt peaceful here, and this was where I spent most of my time ever since the house was loaded by those bitches.

Hmm . . . , should I kill them?

Having thought of that, I shook my head, hoping to get the idea off my mind. If My Lord found out about my thoughts, he might despise me.

But why was he letting them take advantage of him? Was it so that he could lure them into killing later? He did the same thing to that Jayson guy back at Roselake Town, after all.