Huh . . . Trouble?  


I hurried towards my territory without care, almost slipping from the mud several times. It didn't matter, even if I was wet from the rain. Bigger concerns were weighing my mind.

Upon reaching the door, I heard the others' chatter and laughter.

For some reason, I turned the knob to open the door as quietly as I could.

"I don't think we should have done this."

I heard Megu's voice amidst the others. Her soft and mellow voice could easily be distinguished.

"Then don't eat it," Sheryl snapped. "More for us then."

"But . . . Cross will be mad if he learns about this."

Emi scoffed. "We can just blame the boys. They haven't been bringing any meat since two days ago. And besides, what can Cross do? I'm sure he already noticed the dirt in the house, but he's still keeping quiet about it. That guy would rather maintain the peace than tell us off."

"He's such a pushover." Sheryl laughed. "He is so cute that way."