My answer . . .

Megu's POV

"Yes, it was all me," I said with a small smile on my face. "I only wanted to give Angelica a safe place to grow up in, and this place is perfect."

"I made sure that Brago and Ford would eat all the meat they caught. It wasn't that hard since both of them had the desire to do just that, to begin with, until, eventually, they didn't need my help," she explained and added.

"The girls were easier to manipulate. When I controlled Emi to not do her work, it was only a matter of time before Sheryl also stopped working. After that, the girls both spent their time enjoying their tea by the fireplace and sowing discord with the guys.

"As for Edgar." Megu shook her head and sighed. "I didn't need to do anything to that guy. I knew that he wouldn't be able to resist and eat all those chickens. Humans would always find a way to ruin themselves. I just gave them the push they needed."