A more pressing matter . . .

On the first morning after the Blood Rain, the sun was shining bright, and the air was cool. 

The sky was clear and blue, without a single cloud in sight. Birds sang from the trees and the wind rippled like a curtain blown by the breeze. 

Today looks like a beautiful day. I thought. 

"Good morning." A sweet voice tickled my ears.

Looking to my left, Megu was curled on the bed with nothing on but a blanket that only covered half of her nakedness. Her breasts almost slipped past her hands that were propped on her cheeks, and I could see her pinkish tips that were erect from the morning cold.

Her face was right next to mine, so close that I could feel her warm breath.

I was not surprised to find Megu still parched on my bed. It only took one day after I made her into one of my underlings before I found her on my bed one night. 

She told me that it was . . . insurance of some sort. And who am I to refuse her?