The trip back home . . .

"Two . . ."


". . ."


Amara suddenly raised her head. I expected a slap but was surprised to find that there were tears in her eyes, her chin crumpling, and her face flushed. 


As Amara cried, her bottom lip quivered the same as a baby pushed past endurance. Her eyes became glacier blue under that sheen of water, constant yet allowing the tears to flow without pause. At that moment, seeing her cry like that, I understood the depth of pain that had been sitting below her skin.


And, of course, my other self was quick to react by slamming my heart against my rib cage.


I got to admit that this was my first time seeing her really cry like this. I didn't remember that she was such a crybaby, but in this week alone, I lost count of how many times I saw her wipe her tears.