A short visit to Dementia . . .

I never knew that going to Dementia would be such a strenuous activity.


Everybody was against the idea except for Thomas and Lina, who didn't care and would rather retreat to their comfort of silence. 


As we neared Dementia's Hut, Jin readied his weapon. Florin's face wrinkled in grumpiness, while Amara's expression was blank. 


I sighed. 



Let's just get this done and over with. 


Upon nearing that familiar hut, Dementia's three adoptive trolls were nearby while Dementia herself was standing by the door with all smiles. 


Dementia's beauty only intensified the situation. Jin was still not having it, and I could read it on his face that he was skeptical of Dementia's beauty. He knew that the old Hag was popular with her many faces.