HAVENs progress . . .  

"Alright. Now that we're all here. Let's discuss about the progress of our fief first," I started.


No one responded. 


"I'm sorry." Jin brushed his hands over his face. "I can't take this seriously. I mean . . . we're having a meeting over the dining table, and it couldn't even seat all of us!"


"Stop yapping already." Florin sneered. "Be glad that my lord had taken you in!"


"You can't blame me for complaining," defended Jin. "The more I saw our situation here, the more I am convinced that we couldn't hold a candle against the Volmont's Army.


"I mean, look at us!" Jin exclaimed. "We only have like less than ten players here, and half of it couldn't even fight. There's no army to command while the Volmont had like thousands of trained soldiers at their beck and call!"


"Volmont?" Megu looked at me and smiled, which got my skin crawling. "Did you do something, my lord?"