The component of a town . . .


"Do you want me to explain the different stat of a territory?" Athena asked after a short time. 


"Before that." I looked at the others. "Do you have any questions so far?"


The others didn't comment and continued to retreat into their zone of comfort. It was Jin who answered. 


"So far, I can catch up. I'm already six months in this world after all."


"How about you, Amara?" I asked the woman beside me. 


Amara rubbed her temples and shied a smile. "I can manage."


I'm sure she would. She was intelligent, after all, and quick to understand. "If you wanted to clarify something, you could always ask Athena."


Her smile drop. "Is that right?" she then snubbed away. "Then I will in the future."


I wonder what I did or said that triggered that reaction.