Types of units . . .



"How did Perry know we're here? And this fast?" I asked no one. 


Jin answered, "I don't know how you rope a merchant into your side that not even nobles could do, and I don't know about these lamp, but the merchant guild helping us is certainly to our advantage.


"And regarding your question, that thing is called a [Magical Raven]. As long as the sender remembered your name and face, he could send you the Raven anywhere in the world. The Raven would automatically know where you are, but the sender wouldn't, and once it delivered its message, it would burst into nothingness leaving without any trace of its existence.


"Magical Ravens are used for spying to sending secret messages. Though they're very expensive and only very rich household can afford one. It's untraceable, and the only thing that could hinder it is by setting up a magical barrier in your territory."