The different races . . .  

"First, we have the Aasimar. This race is plane-touched by higher beings. This provided them with an awe-inspiring appearance that was both memorable and potentially intimidating. They can unleash their powerful inner spirit to manifest unique abilities in battles. 


"Aasimar had different classes like Fallen, Protector, and Scourge. And the following are the Aasimar's units: The light infantry, Crusaders. Lightbringers, their ranged type units. Pegasus Riders, their mount units. Exalted their heavy infantry units. Ki-Rins, their siege units. And Planetar their fantastic units. 


"Aasimar are useful in battle because they can heal your units and attack your enemies at the same time."


"Are these thing creatures like angels?" I asked because I think I had seen one in Castle Rock Fortress that looked like an alien with wings on its back."


Athena and Jin nodded.