Her Therapy

"Why… why…" Key was just calmly tapping Poupée back as she continued to whimper and drink

Key just shook her head when her cousin poured another glass of liquor on her shot glass and took it in one shot, she handed a lime as a chaser to her cousin who is no longer wincing at the taste of the liquor even after drinking a shot glass bottom's up.

Poupée hiccupped after sucking the lime and Key gently dabbed tissue on the side of Poupée's lips where her lipstick smudged. Between the two of them, Key is younger but she looks like an older sister tending to her brokenhearted younger sister.

"I'm beautiful, right?" Poupée suddenly asked her and she nodded unperturbedly before handing a tissue

"Then… Pourquoi n'ai-je pas suffi ?" Poupée asked her and she gently smiled

"You're more than enough, Poupée, don't ever doubt your worth." She said calmly as she started dabbing tissue on Poupée's ruined mascara that is already trailing down her face

"I don't understand those men!" Poupée exclaimed and hit her clenched fist on the table

Key moved the shot glass and bottle a bit away so it will not be hit, she doesn't want Poupée to be wounded while releasing her anger, before she began dabbing tissue on Poupée's face again.

"Don't generalize, you met a boy because he's not man enough to settle with one lady." She said calmly while continuously dabbing the running mascara off her cousin's face

"Ah bon? Je trouverai un homme digne de mon amour qui verra ma valeur, non?" she calmly nodded at Poupée's question

"A real man will come one day, and he will treat you the way you deserve." Key answered

"So, stop crying, don't waste your tears over him anymore. He's not worth it." Key remained composed as she said each word and handed a glass of Long Island Iced Tea to her cousin

Poupée smiled at her statement and nodded her head after accepting the glass of Long Island Iced Tea and taking a sip from it.

She placed it on the table before hugging Key who caressed her older cousin's hair while holding one of her cousin's arms. Poupée continued to drink liquor from the shot glass on the table while Key just drank her glass of Long Island Iced Tea.

She glanced at her phone and saw that it was already seven in the evening, if anything, she doesn't care even if she stays out late past three am but she will be training the next day, she knows that one needs enough rest to be able to fully function.

"Excuse me," Key raised her hand and a waiter approached them

"How may I help you, ma'am?" the waiter asked her

"Un verre d'aventure d'un soir, s'il vous plaît." Key looked at her cousin in surprise because of what she said while the waiter seem confused

"She meant a glass of One Night Stand," Key cleared her throat, looked at Poupée whose eyes are already somnolent, and looked completely intoxicated

"Aren't you drunk enough, Poupée?" she asked while looking at her cousin who shook her head like a child denying something in front of her parents

"Poupée…" she said and looked at her cousin warningly

"Please, just one?" Poupée pleaded and Key sighed

"Alright, just one glass, Poupée, no more than that." She said and turned her head to the waiter

"One glass of One Night Stand and a glass of water to help her sober up, please," Key said calmly

"Is that all, ma'am?" the waiter asked and she nodded unperturbedly

"Are you sure you still want to drink?" Key asked Poupée who nodded at her

Key shook her head when Poupée leaned her head on her shoulder and then hugged her arm.

"That guy…" Poupée mumbled and looked up at Key

"He's not worth it, don't think about him anymore." Key said calmly

"Il a fait une erreur, non ?" Poupée asked her and Key sighed

"Right?" Poupée asked her and Key remained wordless to allow Poupée to speak her mind out

"J'ai raison." Poupée looked so confident while speaking and sat up straight

"J'ai raison, non? Chants, dis-moi, j'ai raison, non ?" Poupée began shaking her arm when she remained quiet even

"Arrête de penser à lui." She remained unruffled even when Poupée was already literally shaking her to make her answer

Poupée pouted and crossed her arms just as the waiter arrived and served their drinks. Key watched Poupée as she sipped from the glass of One Night Stand, she took out her phone and sent a message to James asking him to pick them up.

"Who awe you tekshting?" she managed to put her phone away before Poupée could reach for it

"It's James," she answered and took the glass of water from the table and handed it to Poupée

"Sober up," Key urged her cousin to drink the water

"But it's bwand…" Poupée complained as she put it on the table and push it away

"You'll get dehydration from drinking too much, and you might throw up tomorrow morning." Key said calmly and pushed the glass to Poupée again

"Fine…" Poupée was hesitant but she took the glass with her hand

"But, who wiw dwink theshe?" Poupée asked and raised a bottle of vodka that is almost still full

"When did you…" Key couldn't believe it, she thought Poupée had already drank everything, hence, her drunken state, but it seems like she had overestimated her cousin's alcohol tolerance

"Give me that." Key just closed her eyes as she extended her hand

"But you have twaining!" Poupée exclaimed and shook her head

"I'll dwink it!" Poupée was obviously intoxicated and her slurred speech has given that away

"Enough, Poupée," Key said calmly and held Poupée's hand to stop her from drinking

"No need to worry, I can handle a bottle of liquor." Key said and smiled while Poupée reluctantly handed her the bottle

"Thank you," Key said in relief and placed the bottle on the table

She can't have Poupée drink another bottle of liquor, she already had too much liquor. She wouldn't want to be greeted by a piece of news the next day that her cousin died of alcohol poisoning.

"I said enough," Key said and held Poupée's hands away from the bottle when she tried reaching for it

"Jusht one ship? Pwease?" Poupée asked and looked at her with pleading eyes

"No," Key's voice was firm and strict then she held the bottle

"I'll drink it," she said and took a chaser from the small saucer on their table

She sucked the lime on her other hand and then drank from the bottle, chugging it while the bottom's up. Key felt the hot sensation in her throat, it was raising her temperature as well but she finished the bottle after several gulps.

She picked up a lime from the saucer again and sucked it to chase away the burning sensation on her throat, she's not a hard drinker but accompanying her cousins and siblings when they're at their lowest points where they resort to drinking to temporary forget things has been quite a training for her to develop a high tolerance for alcohol.

"You dwank it?" Poupée's eyes widened and looked at her

"Yes, and it's time for us to go home." Key answered and placed the bottle on the table

"Non! Je... veux boire plus !" (No! I... want to drink more!) Poupée exclaimed

"Sober up, Poupée, we'll drink next time, okay?" Key told her calmly

"But… but…" Key smiled and Poupée sighed before saying; "Alright,"

Key's phone rang and James's name flashed on the screen, she swiped it and pressed it to her ear while blocking the other ear to hear James clearly. She repeatedly asked him if he could hear her until she can hear him saying that he can hear her.


Translation for the French:

> Pourquoi n'ai-je pas suffi ? - Why wasn't I enough?

> Ah bon? Je trouverai un homme digne de mon amour qui verra ma valeur, non? - Really? I will find a man worthy of my love who will see my worth, right?

>Un verre d'aventure d'un soir, s'il vous plaît. - A glass of one-night stand, please.

> Il a fait une erreur, non ? - He made a mistake, right?

> J'ai raison. - I'm right,

> J'ai raison, non ? Chants, dis-moi, j'ai raison, non? - I'm right, right? Chants, tell me, I'm right, right?

> Arrête de penser à lui. - Stop thinking about him.