
"We're here, seven tables to the right from the door." Key informed him in a loud voice

[Is she still up?] James asked and Key turned to Poupée who's now occupied with drinking the chasers

"Yeah, but she'll be asleep moments from now." Key said while watching Poupée closely

Poupée's frowning as she alternately sucks a lime and then sprinkles it with salt. She looks like a little kid sulking and Key couldn't help but shake her head at the sight.

Her cousin hasn't touched or drunk even a bit from the glass of water hence, she hasn't sobered up.

[Where do you think she checked in?] James asked from the other line taking Key's attention

"If I had a guess, it would be somewhere within the subdivision's vicinity." Key answered

[Hmm, okay, I see you, though I'm not sure if it's you, raise your hand.] Key raised her free hand just as James instructed and began looking around for her cousin.

He looked around until he saw an ash gray-haired lady raising her hand with an obviously intoxicated brunette lady next to her.

"Geez, Poupée, you're such a headache." James immediately remarked as he reached their table

"Oh, who awe you?" Poupée asked looking at James with her puffed flushed cheeks

"Poupée, we're leaving." Key held her shoulder as she speaks

"No… I thought you said we'll dwink?" Poupée asked her and Key gently cupped her face

"I said, next time, Poupée, not today, next time." She said calmly and Poupée reluctantly nodded

"Have her sober up, she might throw up in my car." James said and sat on the couch

"Here," Key said and handed the glass of water to Poupée

"Don't you dare, Poupée, spit that out and I'll leave you here." James warned when Poupée puffed her cheeks after drinking from the glass of water

"Key, il me harcèle!" Poupée complained after gulping the liquid down to her throat and pointed at James while glaring then went to hug Key

"There, there, he's our enemy now." Key stifled a chuckle, while James shook his head

"Another break-up, huh," James asked and shook his head as Key just sighed and nodded while gently rubbing Poupée back as if consoling her from James's 'bullying'.

"Ah, that brat never learns. More than several months ago, you and Chela also accompanied her to have this therapy of hers and here she goes again." James said and Key just shook her head

"Hey, Poupée," he called Poupée who looked at him with furrowed brows while hugging Key

"Don't be too gullible, there are many assholes in this world, stop letting them fool you. The next time you get heartbroken, we might not be available to be there for you." James scolded her but Poupée just rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue like a kid

"Key will be there," Poupée said and huffed her face away as if scoffing at James

"Do you not understand what I'm getting at?" James asked and massaged his temples

"Never mind, you'll forget this tomorrow anyway," James said and sighed

"James just wants to tell you to guard your heart, to wait for the right man to come, okay?" Key said gently and Poupée looked at her calmly before nodding obediently with her eyes slowly falling

"Let's go," James said and stood up

He carried Poupée in his arms and brought her out of the bar. Key helped James put Poupée in the backseat before proceeding to sit on the passenger seat.

James checked on her and Poupée to make sure they are sitting comfortably, although Poupée's already passed out in the backseat from intoxication before he drove to the hotel nearest to their subdivision.

"Hello, can I ask if you have a room checked in under the name Poupée Auclair?" Key asked the receptionist after heading there as soon as she arrived at the lobby of the hotel

The receptionist looked at her for a moment before saying that it's against their hotel policies to disclose their guests' information so Key went back to the car.

She sighed, decided to check Poupée's purse, although she really felt bad, and felt like she's invading her cousin's personal space for opening her purse without her consent, she looked for Poupée's keycard or anything that could give them a clue on where to bring her as they can't possibly bring her to their gaming clubhouses.

"You found it?" James asked her and she nodded

They went out of the car and James carried Poupée while Key carried the shopping bags from their shopping expedition and Poupée's purse.

Some people are looking at them as they enter, probably wondering who they are and how are they related to the passed-out woman James is currently carrying, and some probably recognize James.

Key swiped the keycard on the elevator and when they arrived at the floor, she swiped the keycard on the side of the door to unlock it.

After James gently laid Poupée on the bed, he went out of the bedroom as Key headed to the bathroom and went back while holding a pack of cotton, moisturizer, and cleanser.

She cleansed the make-up off her cousin's face before she gently applied the moisturizer, Poupée even murmured some French words in her sleep as she applied the moisturizer.

When Key exited the room, James handed her a bottle of water and some medicines for a hangover, which she brought inside and placed on the bedside table.

"Everything done, can we go back now?" James asked and she nodded as they exit Poupée's suite

"Hmm, I'll just text her that we brought her here then remind her to rehydrate." Key answered

"I know you'll text her tomorrow, don't scold her, James." Key added and they chuckled

They headed back to the lobby and then to the parking lot, James drove back to their subdivision as soon as Key wore her seatbelt.

"My reminder goes to the two of you," James said amidst the silent drive

"You don't have to worry about me," Key chuckled as she gave her reply

"Don't I? That – He's not him, James, they make resemble each other but he's not him." Key cut him off and ran her hand through her hair

"As you say so, but if he does court you – James!" Key said and James gave her a small smile

"You're the family's fighter but it's okay to be weak for once, alright?" he said and she smiled

"I know," she said and looked out of the window

It didn't take long before they arrived at the subdivision where their clubhouses are located.

"Go inside and get some rest, Key." James said and Key went out of the car

"Good night, James." She said and waved her hand as James drove away

Key looked at her phone and that's when she saw that she has less than twenty unread messages from her teammates so she opened to read them.

There are three messages from Bright asking her when she'll be back and to stay safe, and Dewy also sent her two message asking her what she want for breakfast the next day and informing her that the other members of the group has arrived.

"Ah, right," she muttered upon reading Quant's messages, he sent five messages asking her when she'll be back and asking her to bring home something,

There are two messages from Opal telling her that their captain is looking for her, three messages about the members being there, and one asking her when she'll be back.

El also sent her one message that asked her when she'll be back and one telling her that their captain is looking for her and so are the new members.

She went to the door and carefully pushed it, mentally hoping they didn't lock her out and heaved a sigh of relief when she managed to push it open.

The lights are off so she assumed everyone is asleep, she unclasped her sandals and changed her footwear into slippers; she placed her sandals into the shelf then took her phone. She was even humming a soft tune as she move, complacent that everyone's already asleep.

She turned around and her phone almost slipped from her grasp when she came face to face with a person crossing his arms over his chest and has a stoic expression.

She mentally recited a long string of curses out of panic because of the person's expression.

"C-captain," she acknowledged the person almost inaudibly