Conquering Elias Island

The reason Elias was running away was the beast was a Giant Mutated Bear and he could hear its roar from beyond the fog.

As he drove away his Island, so also the Island of the Mutated Bear followed him. He increased the speed as he heard a more roaring sound behind him. 

The fog parted and he saw a massive Mutated Bear that is three metres tall on its four legs. Its eyes glared at him before the fog returned back to normal.

"Shit, the Mutated Bear parted the fog to look at me… was it to confirm the identity of its prey?" Elias shrieked. And yet he was already driving away his Island faster than before while the bear was in pursuit.

The commotion woke up the Goat and it looked around with fear and it bleated.


"Sheeee!" He quickly tries to stop the Goat from making any sound, he thinks that if he gives enough distance he may be able to run away from the Beast.

Yet, the bleating of Goat aggravated everything and the Mutated Beast increased its speed. In no time the Mutated Bear Island was within 10 Meter Clear fog. 

He put all his Mental Fortitude into increasing the speed of his Island to escape but to no avail. To his dismay, he heard a roar from elsewhere. Another two silhouettes of beasts beyond the fog appeared. 

Elias's survival instinct was stirred and he quickly drove his island toward one of the beasts. As he saw the new beast his resolve increased and thoughts collided with ideas on how he can use the situation to his advantage.

With a thought, he decreased the speed of his Islands at the same time the Mutated Bear's Island collided with his Island. His hand was already clenching a big stone. He used that situation and shot the stone at the Mutated Bear with all his strength.



He uses the slight disorientation of the bear when the Islands collide and scores a clean hit on it. And the bear appeared dizzy and it halted on its charge. Sadly the rock did not do any substantial injury to it.

At the same time, he noticed that his Island had initiated merging with the Mutated Bear's Island. Instead of panicking as they might fight on equal terms, with no weakening to the Mutated Bear, he smirked.

He used his superior mind against the Mutated Bear and drove the merging Islands, and shoved it toward the incoming Mutated hyena and collided with it.

Yet, his Island initiated another merging. Now three Islands are merging together. The Mutated hyena was taken aback by the new development and it can see its 20 diameter Island is merging with another 20 diameter Island. At the same time, there is a 10 diameter island that was merging with them

It was in this situation that the three Islanders stood in a stalemate. 

Two of them can feel that the Island was trying to be someone else, as three Islands governed by three minds are merging, which means the one with the strongest mind will win and those weak ones will lose their island!

Elias used that opportunity and distanced himself from them and also watched as the Islands merged. 

It was not him merging but rather it was his Baby Isle doing. In fact, if he was the one controlling the merging he would have been hearing the roaring of the two beasts in his head as they try to achieve supremacy over the merging Islands.

This is a contest of willpower and Mental Fortitude. Elias doesn't even know that his Island is so special that it can fight for him without his intervention.

When the Islands were halfway through, the two beasts, Mutated Bear and Mutated Hyena realized that one of them has to die or else the other will have its Island, they jumped at each other. And the Island is now about 30 diameters in size there is plenty of space for the two of them to topple.

All Elias did was move away from their clashing point or any place where one of them tosses the other. The Island too stopped merging, as if waiting for them to finish.

Because the two beasts have lower intelligence they did not realise one anomaly. There are three owners of the three Islands. And in clashes of Mental Fortitude, there should be three minds. But, they only feel the two of them. However, they assumed that the third Island owner doesn't exist or is too weak to participate.

That is why now they focused only on the two of them with a clear determination of killing the other. Even Elias himself doesn't know the mechanic behind it.

Elias was holding his Cursed Chest, refusing to leave it alone. As he saw the fight between the beast topple rocks and sand into the water he was afraid that they would kick his beloved Treasure that almost killed him, into the water.

The Mutated Bear stood and slapped the Mutated Hyena while the hyena tried to dodge. The slap was too fast for that and it was sent away, almost dropping in the water.

The Mutated Beer jumped over the hyena using its weight to crush the Mutated Hyena. Elias watched with bated breath as the Mutated Hyena was squashed under the overwhelming weight of the Mutated Bear.

Seeing that, he began thinking about how to kill the bear when the Island continued merging. When it becomes 20 diameters it begins to shrink in size. At the same time the Mutated Bear that was silent all along moved. Under it, crimson blood flowing.

When the Mutated Bear managed to stand on its four limbs, it toppled away as something pushed it. 

It was then that it was revealed that the Mutated Bear died from four deep wounds on its chest. And the blood dyed the newly merged Island that is shrinking slowly.

As for the Mutated Hyena, it was breathing with difficulty, but on its back were four spikes arranged in line with its backbone. The spikes retracted inside and disappeared from its back. 

The Mutated Bear then opened its eyes and glared at Elias who was watching in surprise!