Special Heart

Elias felt pain for the first time after what that Giant Fish did to him. And as more attacks of that calibre landed on him, his sensitivity began to return gradually.

Before he knew it, there were three beasts against him. One wanted to punch him to the pulp, the other wanted to shred him using his fang, and there was another one who was slashing him with claws.

But no blood dripped from his body. And the only one doing good was the punching as it was sending shock waves in Elias's body which forced it to switch on.

The truth was, Elias' body was hibernating, it had lowered its body activities, making every process slow and also dulled his sensitivity to the lowest. The reason was the Ordeal of the Ancient King Tilapia.

The pain activated his adaptability and made his body take measures to not surfer again. 

There was also the effect of him becoming Grade 4—It was a great realm that substantially changed what happened to one's body.