White Mantra Island

The new room which was Special Room, as usual, was made of white stone. It was 4 m x 4 m, at its very centre was a table, a 1.5 tall platform stood in the shape of an hourglass. Its surface was very smooth and reflective.

Elias gently placed the Graced Stone on top of the table. Moments later, the Special Heart thumps and the 10 dots in it rotate. Then, one of the walls of the room lit up and names of 10,000 different materials appeared.

[Provide the Materials in 30 Days]* 

A wall facing Elias wrote. However, just a moment later, the first material name shifted to the wall Elias left and it expanded showing its Picture and Descriptions appeared. 

[Black Silicon Acquired]

That was the first material, then it shrunk and the next material name expanded, then…

[Blacrion Acquired]