Deadly Battle: Chaotic Defence !

So, he granulated those scraps to powder and used them as explosive powder. He made bombs among other things. 

And this time he was going to use them a lot in his encounters!

The clearing has three tunnels; he can't see what was at the end of it because they bent the further they went. Elias took the left tunnel and went deeper, it was a dead end due to collapsed walls.

He came back and went into the central one, and that was when he met with a green moss metallic humanoid aberration. 

Gallium atop Elias's helmet was ready and the next moment they began to clash, which also attracted others. Elias pulled a cache card. Inside was the bomb he prepared. 

He aimed deeper into the tunnel and released it. Tuss! The ball went deeper, and right as the reinforcement came, the ball heated the wall and the kaboom. Elias was sent flying back due to a shock wave.