Deadly Battle: Chaotic Bomb

Elias's head smashed and shattered the ground and then went centimetres deep into the rubble. GSS-0.1 proved to be tyrannical when it came to defence, it only caved a little but the impact was so much that Elias's brain bounced in his skull and veins in his face raptured with blood. He passed out without resistance.

The moving armour was a masterpiece designed to oppose anything Elias has shown so far. 

The 4m giants were created from 5 aberrations but this one was created from 10 aberrations, the same aberrations Elias burnt with 20 firebombs.

The normal corrosive slimes, Ghost Slimes, gallium slime, explosion bombs, firebombs and even fear-inducing. All those were accumulated in that one great moving metal armour that needed no wearer.