Strange Survivors

Elias has already changed his gun to Triple Impact Pistol, and fast, he pulled the trigger three times.

At the same time, four wolves were already before him due to their fast speed, one of them had Elias's helmet head inside its mouth and clasped shut while another one at his leg.

Due to their size, the other two have no room to get close to him. Turtle's behind impregnable armour, Elias wasn't worried one bit.

As the three bullets came out of the Pistol, they collided somehow and merged becoming bigger and they rotated with more force to the point they began to twist wind. And the more they move forward the stronger the effect.

The two wolves that didn't reach Elias were the ones that had their head exploded by the force generated alone as the bullet passed them.

Then the other wolves as they tried to run but it was like the bullet sped up and passed through, shredding them to pieces.