Di-nozzle Striker

Being in uncharted territory with unknown possible dangers, Elias didn't lose the bigger picture ever since the first one woke up. He had his fully loaded Shotgun at all of them.

One pull and all 20 shards will be divided into three and they will all be injured and paralyzed if not completely dead.

After they calmed down, the man nudged the younger woman, the one that Elias woke by himself. She looked up and her eyes wide in shock. She quickly tried to stand but couldn't and she eyes Elias's metal armour up and down. Then she stared at Elias boot which had its underside red hot.

"Who are you?" Elias asked. His voice was muted under the mask and helmet.

"We are islanders!" The young woman said enthusiastically. Elias then pulled the trigger but not completely.

The trio pale in fear seeing the direction the situation was moving.