CJ's car pulled up to Jade house and all the teenagers were quietly mumbling when they saw CJ.

*Isn't that KC's brother?*

*Oh poor boy. He's going to be so crushed.*

*I feel sorry for him.*

" From the sound of it, I think something has happened to her." CJ whispered to Harvey. Harvey grabbed one of the teenage boys by the collar and angrily asked," Where is she. Where is KC?"

" I'm sorry dude. She was kidnapped by a bunch of gangsters a few seconds before you got here. Please don't hit me." Harvey put the boy down and rushed back in the car. The SUV's could be seen in a distance so Harvey stepped on the gas and went after them.

" Hey boss, I think we're being followed." The man with shades looked back and saw a luxurious car speeding in their direction.

" Step on it and hand me the guns." The man with shades stack his hand out of the window and started shooting at CJ's car. Lucky for him, the wind screen was reinforced so it would take a lot of rounds to break it.


[The family of your friend is your family too. Retrieve the kidnapped girl from the ones you seek to destroy. Reward ???]

Max lowered the window of the car and climbed to the top. He was holding onto the sides of the car so that he didn't fall off. " Max, get down from there." CJ yelled but his red haired friend didn't listen. He tapped on Harvey's mirror and said, " Get me closer to the car." Harvey, who was a little afraid for the boy's life, did as Max said. He increased the speed and knocked the SUV in front of him on the bumper. Max was nearly pushed to the front but his increased strength allowed him to hold on. He slowly stood up and jumped onto the roof of the SUV.

" Someone's on the car."

" Shoot him." The two gangsters pulled out their guns and started shooting the roof. Max anticipated their move so he decided to inch his way on the side of the car.

[Fire arms activated]

[Energy 48/50]

Max pressed his hand on the back door's mirror and it started to melt. His arm eventually went through and he entered the car. The gangsters tried to shoot the freshman but he caught their guns and melted them instantly.

" Another mutant. Oh Pharaoh's gonna deal with you." Max, still with his transformed arms, punched the man in his face, leaving a nasty wound and the smell of burnt flesh and a knocked out gangster on the co-driver's seat.


240EXP earned.

. He then turned his attention to the driver who begged for mercy and jumped out of the car. Unfortunately for him, they were driving through and alley and his body was rolled over by his SUV and CJ's car. Max was currently in the driver's seat and he didn't know how to drive. They were still driving through the alley so Max got the knocked out gangster's foot and placed it on the gas pedal. The car crushed into the other SUV in front of them and Max took the opportunity to jump onto the next one. He placed his fire arms on the windshield causing it to melt. He then crawled out from the car and jumped onto the next one. Max could her CJ's sister crying out for help but her words were muffled.

[Energy 46/50]

As usual, the gangsters started shooting the roof and unlike the last ones, one of them slowly crawled to the top of the car.

" Huh. A kid trying to play hero. Let's see how you handle this."



"Thank you system, I can see that." Max took a defensive position and activated his skill again.

[Energy 44/50]

The man stretched his large hand and hit Max right on his face.


[HP 40/50]

Max felt a sharp pain on his nose and he swore he had a crunch sound. He touched his nose and felt blood dripping out of it.

" You think you can scare me with your mutant arms kid. I work for a mutant, so I know all your weaknesses." The man swung his large leg forward and hit Max in his chest, sending him flying back over the second SUV.


[HP 25/50] Critical damage. Healing activated.

Harvey saw his body coming his was saw he stretched out his arm and caught Max by his shirt. He then pulled the boy's body back into the car and let CJ tend to his wounds. Surprisingly, when CJ checked Max's body, he couldn't find any marks or scratches except for the dry blood on Max's nose.

" Hey, you okay bro?"

" Yeah, I'm...I'm fine." Max couldn't feel any pain in his body. He touched his nose and chest but there was no pain. "Huh. Looks like my body heals faster that normal."

They eventually got past the alley and the second SUV drifted to the left, allowing Harvey to chase after the first car.

" We better hurry, We're almost at the warehouse district. If they get there, there's no way we could save CJ's sister." Rin said.

Harvey stepped on the gas and hit the bumper of the car in front of them. He then took off his shoe, placed it on the gas pedal, opened the door and climbed to the roof. Sue handled the steering wheel since she was the one in the front seat.

" Watch how it's done, Max." CJ said as he pointed at Harvey. Harvey jumped on the roof of the SUV easily compared to the way Max did it. The, something strange started to happen. His left arm started bulging and it eventually tore through his suit. The others could see his arm become twice the size than it already was. He punched through the roof and grabbed the nearest body his arm could find. Lucky for him, he had grabbed KC so he removed the ropes and duck-rape from her body and gently placed her in the driver's seat of his car with his arm that was now stretching out.

KC removed Harvey's shoe from the gas pedal and slowed the car down a little bit. " Hey, why are we slowing down?" Sue asked. KC pointed to Harvey who stretched out both of his arms to the car tires and pulled them out. The SUV skidded out of control and crashed into a lamp post right after Harvey jumped off.

He then walked to the driver's seat and pulled out both of the gangsters. To keep his identity safe, he gouged out their eyes and tongues to keep them from talking. Max, Rin and Sue were afraid of what they just saw but CJ and KC pretended like it was nothing. Harvey cleaned the blood off of his hands, dropped each of the kids to their homes and drove CJ and KC back to their house that was a little far from Raid town.

" What a day." Max said to himself, remembering what happened. He checked the system and found notification that read,

[LEVEL UP. Level 8 120/300Exp]

[1stat point gained]

[Quest failed. Although your friend's sibling was saved, you didn't do the saving. No rewards granted.]

Name: Max Lin]

[EXP 120/300]


[HEALTH 50/50]

[ENERGY 10/50]






1stat point available.

Max placed his stat point in agility and closed his weary eyes. His energy was very low and the rate he over used his powers today made his body very exhausted.

Back at the Four Armed Gang warehouse, Miss Xin was throwing books, papers, chairs and everything her hands could grab at the gang member in front of her. The gangster she was throwing things at was the same gangster Max punched. His face was still wounded and the stuff Xin threw at him made the wound worse.

" Tell me. How the hell do you fail to kidnap a sixteen year old girl? I gave you two cars, three more guys and guns. HOW DID YOU FAIL TO KIDNAP HER?"

" I'm sorry boss." The man cried. " We were chased and attacked by a mutant kid with red hair."

" Red hair?" Miss Xin's mind flashed back to a certain boy in her class with red hair but yet again, many teenagers in the school had red hair.

"He knocked me out with his fire arms and gave me this nasty wound and I don't even know what happened next."

" How about you two, what happened to you." Xin asked the two gangsters who's eyes and tounges were taken. " Oh, right. You can't speak or see BECAUSE YOU GOT YOUR ASSES KICKED BY A KID."

" I swear, when I find out who did this, this whole town will suffer." Miss Xin's plan was to kidnap the daughter of the richest man in Raid City and ransom her for a lot of money so that she could by something else for Lidong on the black market but seeing that her plan failed, she decided to head on with Plan B.