While Max was regaining his energy from the crazy stunt he just experienced, CJ, KC,and Harvey were on their way back home. Although CJ's parents didn't want their kids becoming spoilt brats in the city, they didn't deny them part of their wealth. They even decided to buy a house closer to the city edges.

They lived in a town called Posh town. The people who lived their were rich wanna be's who couldn't afford to stay in Raid City but could afford to throw money making themselves sound and look rich. Posh town was a huge, gated community with the best houses outside of the city. Some were as big as schools while others were small with large compounds. CJ's house was on the furthest end of Posh town because it was the largest of all the buildings. Even though everyone was rich, CJ's family made them look like their peasants. His house was five floors high with ten rooms on each floor. The compound was surrounded with hedges of themselves and animals and there were other mini-mansions that belonged to their workers, chefs, nannies, bodyguards and drivers. Their were four helicopter landing pads and a parking lot with twenty of the most expensive cars money could afford. Each member of the family owned five cars although CJ and KC couldn't drive. With all the cars CJ owned, he decided to use one, to make it easier for his driver and less costly on gas prices yet he was filthy rich. If their was one thing CJ didn't like about his lifestyle, it was the fact that many people would do whatever it took t get it or to know anyone from his family. He never even told Max or Sue about his wealth, only that he was the son of the wealthiest man in the city.

In the front parking lot, Mr AJ, Andrew Javinson, could be seen with his wife standing with a frowned look on his face. The richest man in the world was very cross at his children and their driver. Harvey parked the car a few feet away from them and slowly opened his door. CJ and KC followed suit but they were worried what their strict father was going to do to them. When Mr. AJ saw his driver come out of the slightly wrecked car with his sleeves torn off, he was now more worried than upset.

" Mr. Andrew I...I can expl....."

" Shush Harvey. Why were you late today?" Mr. AJ asked with his deep voice that sounded like it came with the wealth.

" Master KC was in a little problem so we had to rescue her."

" Rescue her? What is he talking about KC?"

" Dad, you see, the problem was...."

" Don't waste my time baby girl. What happened?"

"Your baby girl got kidnapped by gangsters." CJ interrupted. Mr. AJ stared at the teenage girl with daggers that pierced her soul with fear. He then turned his attention to Harvey and asked, " I thought you picked them up from school straight away Harvey. How did she get kidnapped?"

" She went for a party with some high school foot ball player." CJ interrupted again.

" Kristina Cia. Do you know what the rules are? You are to go to school and come home immediately. Your brother has done that without fail and so with you. Not only did you get in trouble but you also risked you life. Do you know what would have happened if they succeeded, you'd have been killed. Your driver had to use his powers, do you understand the gravity of this situation?"

" Yes Dad, I do..."

" No you don't. Your driver wrecking his suit and using his powers shows that this was a threat to you, to me and the whole family. Now, no more parties, no more outings without the supervision of your body guards. I don't want to hear that your driver had to risk your life for you."

" Actually," CJ interrupted again. " Harvey had some help. Some guy wit fire mutant powers helped."

"Isn't he your...." CJ stomped on Harvey's foot before he could say who it actually was.

" Young lady, get in your room NOW. We'll talk about this later. Harvey, get rid of that car and CJ." There was a long pause and stare before he continued. " Let the other guy know he has my thanks." Mr. AJ then got onto his helicopter and flew off to the city to handle some business. CJ and KC were left with their mother TC, Tina Cia. She wasn't as fierce as her husband but her punishments were just as harsh for her daughter.

" Well Harvey, looks like you got to keep your job." CJ said as he smiled at his driver.

" Yeah. Thanks CJ. Your a good friend."

" Don't mention it."

In the warehouse district, a certain emo girl was hiding behind a car as she watched her warehouse get trashed by two boys, one with red hair and a blonde. The two boys who Max handled didn't let go of the fact that a freshman kicked their asses....or punched. They took it upon themselves to destroy Rin's home to get back at her and the kid who also left nasty burn marks on the blonde's chin. They used sledge hammers to shatter the windows and break the walls. They laughed out loud as they let out their frustration on the building and poor Rin couldn't do anything but watch her remaining property get destroyed. Rin was about to get up and leave but she felt something behind her.

She slowly turned her head and saw a big, buff guy that over shadowed her. She was about to run before the man grabbed her by the arms and smiled lustfully.

" Now what's a pretty girl like you doing out here alone. Let me show you some love." The two boys heard what the buff man said and wanted to join him in whatever her wanted to do. The buff man, who was an accomplice of the teen age boys, held Rin up against the wall while the blonde boy licked Rin's neck. The red haired boy was a little reluctant because he didn't know what could happen to him if the freshman showed up.

" C'mon, what are you waiting for. Let's teach this chick some manners."

" I don't know about this man. I.. it doesn't feel right."

" Suit yourself, weakling." The blonde continued sniffing and licking Rin while the red haired boy ran off. He turned around and looked at Rin's face one more time, feeling sorry for the girl but their was nothing he could do. Just as he was about to leave, a silhouette with two yellow rods zoomed past him and knocked the buff man off his feet. Having an idea who it could have been, the red haired teenager ran away and didn't look back.

" Your friend left already. Shame, I could have used the EXP."