
[Once beaten, twice shy, not for these losers. The emo damsel is in trouble again. For your false act of bravery, you've been given the fire walk skill. Rush and save her before its too late for her.]

Name: Max Lin]

[EXP 120/300]


[HEALTH 50/50]

[ENERGY 10/50]







1stat available

Max was rudely awakened by the notification but once he read what the system said, he quickly but quietly got out of the house and headed for the warehouse district. His energy had replenished after his short nap so he could have made it but judging by the count down the system set, he wouldn't make it in time. Max opened his stats bar and remembered he had one stat available. He placed it in strength since he knew he had the fire walk.




Max went ahead and activated the fire walk skill and he was in for the shock of his life. His body felt like it was filled with the strongest energy drink as his muscles felt lighter but stronger.

[Fire walk skill activated.]

[With great power comes great draw backs. Skill has doubled your stats but will consume 2 energy points every thirty seconds.]




" Awesome but no time to celebrate, Rin's in trouble...again." With the new skill and boost in his stats, Max ran so fast that the world around him felt like it was going in slow motion. In a few minutes, he arrived at the location and that's when he saw a big guy and someone he didn't expect to see again harass the air out of Rin. He also saw another person he never expected to see again leave the scene. Max left the red haired teenager and went straight for the buff man who was holding Rin up against the wall.

[Fire arm activated]

ENERGY 48/50

Max jumped a couple of feet in the air and punched the lights out of the buff man. His arm hurt a little but at list the system didn't notice. *Ding* Or so he thought.

[Your opponent isn't knocked out. Take him out before it's too late.]

" Too late!!"

" Aha. I knew you'd be here." The blonde boy shouted. In a way, he expected the boy who kicked his ass to show up again. Blondie pulled out a switch blade, moved Rin's body in font of hi and held the blade up to her throat.

" If you know what's good for you, you'll leave me and the girl alone." Max wasn't surprised at the threat. He knew someone like the blonde would stoop so low so he dimmed the luminosity of his arms and slowly raised them up.

"That's what I like to see, now turn around and leave." Max slowly turned and started walking away. When he was a few feet away, he activated his fire walk skill and rammed the blonde off of Rin.

ENERGY 47/50

The blondie winced in pain as he laid on the cold floor of the alley touching his jaw. He felt an iron taste slowly fill his mouth. Max deactivated his fire arm skill, helped Rin to get up and told her to run to his place. She refused to run and insisted to help so Max did the next best thing and hanged her on a nail by her jacket, far from the commotion that was going to happen. Blondie got up and spat the blood out of his mouth. The sight of his own blood made him furious so he cracked his knuckles and threw a punch straight for Max's head.

ENERGY 46/50

Max, using his fire walk skill, saw the punch coming from a mile away so he moved to the side and jabbed the blondie on the ribs. The punch wasn't so great but the added stats made it feel too heavy for the blondie to handle. Blondie turned his torso and used his right arm to punch Max's face but Max grabbed it, twisted it and folded it up to his back.

ENERGY 45/50

" Aaaahh." He screamed in different tunes. " Let go, let go."

"As you wish."

[Fire arms activated]

Max used all the strength he could get and clapped the sides of the blondie's head, knocking him out instantly.

Knock out. EXP 200

EXP 220/300


[A giant awakens from his slumber. You should have taken him out when you had the chance. Survive the mutant in front of you.]

"MUTANT!!" Max slowly turned his head and saw the buff man stand up from the ground. He was grunting heavily and Max thought that he saw smoke come out from his nose and ears. The man stood up at full height and for some reason, he seemed much taller and bigger than Max remembered. The buff man's vision was clearing and he lifted his eyes to see the blondie on the ground and some smaller figure in front of him. His anger doubled and his grunting became heavier and louder. The clothes off of his back started shredding as his muscles became bigger. The skin on his body started peeling off as it was replaced by fur. His head stretched out and his ears became more round.

His mouth grew more dog like and his teeth became longer and sharper. His eyes became red and his hands and feet grew claws. 'ROOOOAAAAR' He let out a mighty roar that startled Max greatly. *DING*


Max felt insulted that the system didn't trust him to face the mutant bear-man in front of him but who could blame it, the creature looked to be three times Max's size and height. Max took in a deep breath, looked at the mutant and grinned.

" I'm going to get a lot of EXP after this."

[Fire walk activated]

[Fire arms activated]

Max used the added stats and ran for the mutant's legs. He slid under the legs and punched the mutant on the back of his knees. They didn't budge at all and Max swore he heard the creature laugh. The mutant lifted its leg and kicked Max with an incredible force.


HEALTH 30/50

[Broken ribs]

[Broken sternum]

[Broken collar bone]

[Broken spine]

[Emergency healing activated.]


Good day readers. Please support my newest novel, Blood Mutant System, with power stones. It's my entry submission for the fantasy contest. Thank you.