Max held the side of his chest as he slowly got up from the kick he took. His body was healing but it wasn't at a rate he desired. The bear mutant turned and slowly walked to Max. His large size made it nearly impossible or Max to escape from the alley. After a few seconds, Max's body was healed but it took a huge toll on his body.

HEALTH 30/50

ENERGY 30/50

The amount of energy needed to heal Max's body was far greater than he expected so Max had only one As the mutant slowly inched its way to Max, Max tried to come up with an escape plan and route. The unfair advantage mutants had over normals was the fact that their bodies were super. Even if Max managed to escape, their was a high possibility that the mutant would chase after him and eventually catch him and given the fact that he had bear powers, he would still be able to track Max with his muzzle.

" Won't if he finds me and mom? Oh men you've done it now Max. How are you going to get yourself out of this." Max finally came up with a simple solution to his problem. He checked his stats on more time to see if he had enough for his plan and lucky for him, he still had plenty left in the tank.

"Here goes nothing."

[Fire arms activated]

[Fire walk activated]

ENERGY 28/50

Max used his arms and his increased strength to claw his way up on the wall. When he was high enough, he thrusted his body off of the wall and used both of his fists to hit the mutant on its face. The attack landed successfully but it wasn't enough to do anything more than what Max had expected. The mutant wiped the burnt fur off of its face and it felt a little scar on its eye. When it touched it, the pain shot up into something it had never felt before making it roar even louder. The mutant man lifted it paw, ready to strike Max on the ground that he stood. Lucky for Max, the creature had to spread its legs apart in order to not lose its balance. The mutant swung its heavy paw at Max who ducked at the right second and slid under its feet.

Not wanting to stay behind them any longer, Max got up, grabbed Rin from the nail he hung her on and dashed away for his dear life.

ENERGY 26/50

With the added stats, Max was able to get a clean head start from the mutant...or so he thought. Not to far behind, the mutant could e seen chasing after him on its four limbs. Max jumped over dumpsters, slid under cars and used every corner he could think of but the mutant chasing him was running through everything. A few people were out at that hour of the night and when they saw a mutant basically chasing thin air, they had no choice but to call the Mutant Protection Force, a special force of trained men and women dedicated to keeping the lives of mutants and normals safe. Unfortunately for them, the MPF was stationed at Raid City so it was going to take a while for them to arrive.

" Max, leave me at the school yard. I'll be able to handle myself." Rin said.

" You sure...I can't have you getting hurt again. This mutant is just to fast."

" Trust me." Max gathered the little energy he had left and dropped Rn at the school yard just as she asked. He managed to get a couple of seconds to catch his breathe just before the mutant showed up. Rin headed to the school yard while Max decided to take the mutant to the junk yard, away from his home, school and innocent people.

ENERGY 20/50

[You need to rest or else you'll burn out]

" Gee, thanks a lot system FOR STATING THE OBVIOUS." Max yelled to himself. After a game of cat and mouse, Max and the mutant arrived at the junk yard. Max got there a few seconds earlier so he made a small trap to capture the mutant. A few seconds later, the mutant could be heard crashing through junk piles and bashing scrap metal. Since it failed to find its target, it stuck its head on the floor and started sniffing. It tried desperately to find the boy' scent but the different smells from the junk yard were bothering with its nose. The mutant stood up on its hind legs and slowly re-formed back to its normal state.

" C'mon boy. I know our in here. There's nothing you can do to save you now. You mess with King Bear, you die by King Bear." He said as he walked through the different junk piles that where as high as a three storied building. The unfortunate thing about the poor towns is the fact that they were used to store all the rubbish that came from the city, making them an unbearable place to live in. Max, who was hiding in one of the junk towers, was slowly catching his breathe as the adrenaline in his body drained out. His legs felt tighter than they were and his entire body started aching. Once again, the system told him to survive but it wasn't really showing him a way out.


[Energy being restored. This method will take a while, unless you have chilli peppers on you.]

" Chilli peppers!! Do they have something to do with my fire powers?" While Max was n the middle of his thoughts, he noticed the area become to quiet for comfort. He stopped breathing for a while, hopping to hear King Bear's footsteps but there was nothing. A large shadow slowly covered Max's body and he slowly tuned to see what it was only to see blood red eyes angrily starring at him.

" There you are." King Bear transformed his left arm and swung it at Max's head. Max barely dodged it, only loosing a little bit of his hair to the mutants claws. His energy had regained to a good number so he activated his fire walk again and led King Bear straight for his trap. The naive mutant tripped the wire, which sent two towers falling on him.

" Yes." Max rejoiced but suddenly, a bright spotlight from a helicopter beamed on top of the junk pile that King Bear was under.


Max didn't stick around to find out what would happen if they found him, so he took off while the MPF were still talking. Armed men jumped out from the helicopter and surrounded King Bear but when they moved the piles of junk, there was no one under it. They searched for hours in the junkyard but they failed to find a single trace of the mutant only a thick strand of red fiery hair that seemed to glow.

Max got back home a few seconds before his mom arrived and he was extremely exhausted. His body was aching incredibly but with a little snack and two episodes of his favorite show, he was able to dose off and have crazy dreams about the weeks so far.


[Congratulations. You have survived from one of the Kings.]

The system continued to read on but Max was to tired to even care.