Max woke up the next day peacefully without any messages, notifications or warnings. He was a little shocked so he decided to check the system for anything.

[Wondering why you aren't freezing? Your body has adjusted to its new power faster than expected. Daily quest still available. Spend 10 minutes under the sun.]

Max was pleased that he didn't have to freeze anymore and he was even happier that he still had the chance of earning his daily 10EXP. He was also glad that the week was almost ending. Whatever the reward was going to be, he just couldn't wait. Max carried out his morning routine of cleaning himself up, making breakfast and walking to school. On his way, he met up with Sue and discussed more plans about their gang. As they were walking and talking, they noticed something very odd. There were no gangsters, nor groups of tough looking guys and all the graffiti on the walls was painted off.

Everyone was worried rather than pleased that the gangsters were no where to be seen. For some reason, everyone was expecting something bad to happen sooner or later. Two large armored vans came up the road and stopped at the middle of the small town. The same armed men that were at the junkyard came out from the first van while scientists came out from the second.

*Ladies and Gentlemen of aid town. This is an order from the government. The Mutant Protection Force will be gathering blood samples from all the citizens inn this vicinity. There have been reports of mutant attacks in this area recently. For your safety, the government has ordered a blood test on all the citizens of this town to find out who the mutants are. Please cooperate and we will be out of your hair.*

With that said, the scientists set up a tent with a couple of seats and two blue briefcases filled with syringes. Five more armored vans came and more men came out, asking people to head to the tent. Max and Sue were extremely worried that Max's secret could eventually spill out to the town. They tried to move through the crowd but the guards were at every corner and they were eventually led to the tent.

The sweat dripping from Max's face was causing him a lot of unwanted attention from the MPF guards. One of them got Max by the arm and led him to the front of the table where the two scientists were. One of them was a bold man with circular glasses and the other was a female with purple hair and a serious look on her face.

" Afraid of needles kid?" She asked as she pulled out a medium sized syringe.

"(Gulp) I'm not af...afraid." Max took a seat next to the woman and held out his arm. The woman looked at him with a face that read *are you serious.*

" Okay tough guy, he has to first write your details before we extract anything from you." Max moved over to the bald guy who pulled out a sheet of paper.

" Please answer the following questions clearly, okay?"

" Ye..Yes,sir."

" Name please."

"Max Lin, sir."






"Mother, Sue Lin. My father was killed by gangsters when I was only six."

" Well, I'm...I'm sorry to hear that. Thank you. That'll be al for now." Max moved over to the purple hared lady who took a sample of his blood, wrote his name on the blood-filled tube and placed it in one of the blue briefcases. Max was free to go but he was mad anxious about what the results would be.

" Oh sheep. What will happen if mom finds out that I'm a mutant. What will those scientists do to me if they find out how I got these powers. Oh no, what will Miss Xin and Pharaoh to to me, Sue, CJ and Rin." *Ding*

[Daily Quest complete. 10EXP earned]

EXP 230/300


Just as Max was in the middle of some serious deep thought, Rin whistled to him, signaling him to her location. She spent all night on the school roof and Max felt guilty for that.

" Hey, you didn't let them get blood from you,right?" Rin anxiously asked. Max didn't look at her or say anything back so it was a clear no.

" Oh no, what are we going to?" Just then, a slight bit of commotion could be heard coming from the tent. Apparently, Sue had been clumsy enough to knock over one of the briefcases wit blood-filled tubes. None of the tubes broke but the scientists were furious at the clumsy teenage girl. They were so furious that they didn't even bother to get a sample from her, they simply chased her out from the tent before she could get even more clumsier.

Sue casually walked to the school rooftop where she met with Rin and Max. She had a large grin on her face, the kind that one makes when they have intentionally done something wrong.

" Sue, what did you do?" Max asked.

" Oh nothing." She playfully relied. " I just knocked over something and got this." She pulled out a tube from her pocket filled with blood and showed it to Max and Rin.

" Sue you genius. Your so ama....wait a minute." Max grabbed the tube and looked at the name written on it. Instead of Max Lin, it had Macqueline written on it.

" Oh come on Sue. You got the wrong one. This has Macqueline not Max Lin. I'm so screwed. I'm so screwed."

" Calm down Max." Rin said. " We'll figure this out later. Right now, we have to find out what to do about that." Rin pointed to a fleet of cars driving to the same spot the scientists pitched their tent. The cars didn't come to a halt and they eventually knocked over the tent. The scientists managed to save their briefcases with blood in them for testing. The fleet of cars stopped at the front of the school gate and men in black suits and shades came out from the cars. The fleet had around thirty cars that were all the same except for one SUV that was really big.

" Ah crap. Don't tell me another gang has come here."