It was Saturday morning, a day that marked freedom for all the kids in Raid Town. No school meant nor worries and for Max, it meant gang related business. As leader of the cold flame gang, he had to get to the warehouse earlier than the others, except Rin, however, when he got up this morning, his system was leaving a dinging sound in his head. Opening his system, he found a lot of notifications that he didn't have time read since he was working last night.

[System quests completed.]

[System rewards available.]

[For getting you and your friends away from the mutant, you get two more points in stamina and agility]



[For saving the towns folk, you get an instant level up.]


LEVEL 12 +1stat point

4 stat points available

[For reaching level 10, instant level up]


LEVEL13+1stat point



[Saving the town,running a business and balancing school surely can drain. You have been awarded with fire points. Fire points can be used to upgrade your skills,health and energy so use them well. Note:skills can be upgraded automatically when you use them constantly.]

Name: Max Lin


EXP: 550/1000

[HEALTH 50/50]

[ENERGY 50/50]








4 stat points available

2 fire points available.

" If my skills can upgrade themselves, then I can put these fire points into my health and energy." Max allocated his fire points into his health and energy and something interesting happened.

[Fire points allocated to energy and health.'

[!!WARNING!! Energy and Health to high for users weak body. Body upgrade process in 3...2...1.]

For a second, Max couldn't feel anything happen to him. He checked the system again but it didn't show his health or energy stats, instead, there were three loading dots hovering on them.


A deep, bone crushing pain started growing all over Max's body, starting from his feet all the way to his body. He tried to hold in his screams, but the pan was too unbearable.

" Aaaarrggh." He shouted out loud, causing CJ to jump out from his makeshift bed on the floor.

" Max, what's happening?" He asked in a rather worried state but his friend wasn't responding. CJ stood at a safe distance, watching his friend body go through a painful change. Max's toes curled in ways that weren't normal then his feet followed. His ankles and femur bones tore through his legs, showing his muscles and blood that was gushing out. His thigh and pelvis bones were next to come out, forcing some of his flesh to fall out. The gruesome torture continued up to his ribs, sternum, spine, collar bone, arms neck and even his head. His skin was left on his bed, torn in many pieces without a skeleton holding it in place. Max was now looking like a certain creature from a famous anime with his bones and muscles showing.

CJ couldn't contain himself. He quickly ran to the small apartments building and let out everything that was in his stomach. As for Max, the pain didn't end there. The bones and muscle that were torn started re-attaching themselves. The pain started to reduce,as a new patch of skin started growing back again, starting from his feet to his head and even his red fiery hair had regrown, only this time, it was in a slightly different hair style.

Max, relieved from all the pain, checked his stats and he was in for a suprise.

Name: Max Lin


EXP: 550/1000

[HEALTH 100/100]

[ENERGY 100/100]







4 stat points available

[ Probably wondering what a fire pawn is, don't fret. A fire pawn is a more powerful level than the average fire mutant. With their increased size in body, energy and health, they are mainly used as guards and warriors in the fire kingdom hierarchy.]

[Fire Pawn have the ability to turn others into fire mutants.]

[Transformed slots: 0/5]

[New Quest available. Mutate into a Fire Lord with a fire empire].

Max was so happy with what the system awarded him that he shrieked in happiness. He got up from his bed and examined his new body. At that moment, CJ walked in on him and quickly looked away.

" Augh, come on bro. Have the decency to cover yourself first.". Max looked down at a certain member, who was bigger now, and quickly grabbed the freshest pair of underwear to cover his shame.

" Damn, bro. You look....different." CJ said. He looked his friend up and down and just couldn't believe what he was seeing. The once skinny, tiny, lean, frail, red-haired teenage boy was now slightly taller, had no bones showing around his neck and had more meat on his arms. He even managed to grow a six pack set, making him look like a simpable anime character. Max ran to his mothers room to see if he could also notice his changed body.

Looking himself up and down in his mom's long mirror, Max just couldn't stop admiring himself. He flexed his arms, chest and even his six pack. His face still remained the same but he was glad about the rest of his body.

As the two boys were admiring Max's body, Max's mother walked in on them. She saw one boy flexing in front of a mirror in his under ware and another looking at him in a weird way.

" Boys, do you need to have...the talk?" Embarrassed by the question the middle aged woman asked, the two boys quickly replied with a loud no, saying it repeatedly.

" Mom, it's not what it looks like."

" Yeah Miss Lin. Max was just showing me his...results cause he's been...working out. Hehe." CJ lied as he scratched the back of his head. Miss Lin, simply raised her eyebrow and chased the teens out of her room. Max and CJ freshened up, getting ready to leave for the day, right before they noticed the bloody sheets and the empty large pile of skin on the bed. Max washed the skin and put it in his bag while he put the sheets in the laundry machine. After a a short while of washing, the two boys left the apartment building and headed to the warehouse.


Did any of you notice the anime character Max looked like, let me know in the comments and I was thinking of turning this novel into a comic and webtoon. What do you think, should I go on with it? If any of you would like to be a part of it, DM me on my Instagram joshua_jt3 or email me at joshuamabongajt3@gmail. For artwork and updates, please follow me on my Instagram joshua_jt3.