As Max and CJ were heading to the warehouse, they noticed how lively the streets were. There were vendors, children, teens and a couple of people taking morning walks and jogs. Some teens were being delinquents while others were on either on their phones or were chatting with their mates. One thing that Max and CJ noticed was the way people seemed to be and happy. The only subject coming out of their mouths was the masked fireman from yesterday. Some children had even made masks and were re-acting the scene that happened last night.

" Feels good, doesn't it." CJ asked.

" Yeah, I mean, if we keep this up, this town could end up being happy and even developed." Max replied.

" You know our parents will find out sooner or later, right?"

"I know but until they do, lets enjoy the moment."

Max and CJ had walked for about ten minutes but Max hadn't gotten any daily quest notifications.

" Hey system, no daily sun stuff today?" He asked. *Ding*

[Fire pawns have tougher quests]

Max shrugged off the systems reply and instead remained content in his new body. After thirty minutes later, the two friends got to the warehouse. The building was full of young people and teens having a nice drink and a laugh in the morning. Sue and Rin were already working and the second Sue saw Max, she frowned at how long he took to arrive.

" What took you so long?" She angrily asked.

" Boy, does he have a story to tell you." CJ interrupted. Max and CJ joined their friends and worked for a couple of hours. While they were working, Phoenix barged straight through the front door and started yelling, " Okay, party over. It's too early for drinks and most of you aren't old enough. Out, out out out....OOOOOUUUUTTTT."

With that said, the customers walked out sneering,jeering and cursing. Phoenix, who was dressed in an expensive black suit with black shades, walked up to the teens and smiled.

" What the hell, man." Sue yelled. " We were making good money. Whatchu do that...." Phoenix pressed his fingers against her lips and shushed her. " Oh dear, adolescent girl. I have news for you all, especially our leader."

Phoenix went ahead to shut all the doors and windows while the teens gathered to hear his news. " I walked in hear and saw how undermanned we are so I have set up a trip for us. We are going to Raid City."

" Raid City!!!" Max, Sue and Rin excitedly exclaimed while CJ merely shrugged. " Why must we go to Raid Town. Can't we get guys from here?" CJ asked.

" Good question. Raid Town's people aren't desperate enough for work besides, we aren't just going to look for workers but also for gang members. Gang members with mutant abilities."

" Where will we find those?" Max asked.

" At the royal academy for mutants. The most prestigious school for mutant children." CJ interrupted. " Mutants, whose parents are in jail, get taken to the school as a way to keep them in check. Some accept while others rebel."

" Exactly, so who better to work in a gang led by a teen, fellow teens. Everyone, let go shopping."

" Wait, what about our parents?" Sue asked.

"Don't worry. I called them and said your all heading out for a school trip. They totally agreed so you have nothing to worry about." With that said, the teens locked up the warehouse and headed outside. Right in the middle off the road was a red helicopter with the words Cheng written on it.

" You know that's illegal, right." Rin said.

" Do you see any police around to stop me." The teens climbed aboard and headed to the city that was about, thirty minutes away by air. Everyone, except from CJ, was admiring the view of the buildings and tiny people. As they got closer to the city, the buildings started becoming taller and taller. Some of them were the boring square shape while most of them had distinct figures. There were some shaped like letters while a few were shaped like animals, people and abstract shapes.

" Are we in Raid City yet?" Sue asked.

" Oh please, this is just the edge of the city. The real city is there." Phoenix pointed towards a large wall that surrounded the city. The only way in was either by car or by helicopter however, Phoenix's copter was granted clearance through the weirdly shaped gate. The helicopter flew through a water fall that revealed a beautiful metropolis. The buildings they flew past were overlapping each other and some of them were touching clouds. Unlike the buildings in the edge of the city, the ones in the center were elegant in every way.

Some had windows that looked to be made of diamonds while others were made entirely out of glass. All the building had pent houses on top. Max noticed something interesting about the town. He never say a building with only one or two floors. The lowest building he saw was the mail house that was five floor high. The helicopter passed by the tallest building in the city, AJ towers. This building belonged to CJ's father, whose helicopter could be seen on the helipad.

" Damn CJ. When you said you were rich I didn't think it you were this rich." Max said. CJ didn't reply. For some reason, he had a very weird vibe coming off of him that everyone noticed but they chose to ignore. Phoenix's helicopter finally landed at a tall building that was ironically a giant C standing for Cheng. When they landed, they were welcomed by a whole row of beautiful young women. Phoenix smiled cheekily as he walked passed all the ladies.

" Talk about a thirsty man." Rin teased and everyone, but CJ, laughed. The teens were led through two large doors into a glistening white and red reception room.

" Welcome, to Cheng Towers."


For artwork and updates, please follow me on my Instagram joshua_jt3. Please vote for my novel so that I can at least place in the spirity competition. Thank you.