"What do you mean 'your good'?" CJ asked. " What beef do you have against mutants?"

" Don't get me wrong." Sue replied. " I don't hate Max and his abilities, I'm just not interested in other mutant types. If my family ever found out that I was a mutant, they would disown me."

" I understand Sue," Max said. " but I would be forced to turn you into a mutant in a near-death experience, understood?"

" Understood."

" Alright, now that we've got that settled, it's time for you two to learn your abilities. There's a lot more to being a fire mutant than throwing fireballs."


As Max was spending the rest of his day training CJ and Rin, a bus pulled up at the petrol station that was currently being repaired. Out of the bus came a tall, lean man with brown skin, silver-white hair and a scar on his right eye. Damion, King Bear's assistant, had taken off some time to investigate more on the fireman.

" Boss, I've got to the town. You were right, this place is...depressing"

*Don't worry about that Damion. Have you seen the kid?*

"Well, the description you've given wasn't very...helpful." He said as he looked at four boys with red hair. " It'll take some time for me to pin the boy but I'll inform you when I've got a crack in the case."

* No, stick to the plan, Damion. The boy had red hair with yellow tips. It may have been dark that night but I never forget a face. Look for him, find him and execute the plan, got it?"

" Yes Sir." Damion hung up the phone and had a look around. His first place to look on his agenda was the fight scene between the fireman and the green monsters. Constantly checking multiple photos on his phone, he was finally able to pin down the location. Light scorch marks, faint blood stains and craters under repair were all he could see. Damion looked through every corner, every streetlight, every stretch of the road but he found nothing. He even re-watched the videos and re-enacted the entire fight. A couple of passers-by mocked him but he didn't care for he was after the infamous fireman.

" Hey, are you looking for him too?" A voice spoke out to Damion. He turned around to see who it was but to his surprise, it was a plump boy with spectacles, a funny haircut and a faint mustache.

" What do you mean, young man?" Damion asked.

" The fireman. I've watched you for a while. The constant snooping and even re-enacting the fight clearly shows that your looking for him. I can help you."

" For a price?"

" Me finding out who it is will be my payment. I just luck someone to work with. If you'd like, I can be the person behind it all while you'll be the hunter. What do you say?"

" This boy may be much help to me besides, he knows this area better than I do." He thought. " It's a deal, Mr...."

" Angus Robustus. And you are?"

" For now, call me Mr.X."


Somewhere further away from civilization, a silhouette of a creature running on all its fours could be seen running at an incredibly fast rate. The biome was an orange-sandy desert with huge flat rocks. It looked more like the Australian outback but more wild and bare. As for the silhouette, it was non other than Fang. He had been running the whole day and the sun was starting to set. He stopped running for a while and let out a mighty howl. After a minute, another howl was heard which was followed by multiple ones. Werewolf-like beings came out from different hiding spots and quickly ran towards Fang.

" Look brothers and sisters, it's him. The one who left us. Why have you decided to return to us? Has man finally turned his back on you?" One werewolf asked. He was smaller than Fang in stature and his fur was brown.

" I do not wish to argue with you. Take me to Caesar at once. I have important information for him. Man has become to strong...again." The werewolves, upon hearing Fang's request, held him by the hand and rushed him to a large orange rock. Two werewolves moved a couple of boulders aside, revealing a large cave-mouth. The werewolves continued to rush down the cave with Fang, heading to an even larger space in the cave.

An entire civilization of werewolf like creatures was the place Fang was dragged to. It was a mix of modern buildings and medieval environments. The towns were mostly dark since the creatures had night vision but what they lacked for in light, they made up for in beauty. As they were passing through the streets, all the werewolf creatures, both great and small, were astonished by Fangs beautiful form. I seemed that not many of them had seen a silver werewolf before. Fang eventually arrived at a set of large doors with two large wolf heads molded on it. The doors were opened by two wolf guards dressed in stunning, blood red armor. The two guards led Fang and the others towards what looked like a throne room.

Seated on the throne was a werewolf, twice the size of Fang. His far was ruby red and his body was chiseled with flaming red eyes. When he saw Fang, he quickly got up from his throne and looked at the latter with a look of pride.

" What brings you back home, brother? Did the humans finally turn their backs on you?" He said.

" My lord, Caesar," Fang responded as he bowed slightly, " I bring to you news about the world of man. They've gotten too strong. I do not know how, but they have managed to retrieve fragments of the Dead and returned them back to life. Although what they have aren't the full ones, they still pose as a threat to us all."

" Man is playing with the Dead? Impossible. How did they do it, what color were they?" Caesar asked.

" I'm not fully aware of their ways master but I think they're getting help from one of the remaining Dead mutants. The first batch were green, furry and small."

" That's nothing to be afraid of," Caesar laughed. " Even a young human can defeat those with ease."

" The second batch I saw were red, furry and much larger. They seemed much closer to the real deal. If the humans manage to return the Dead race, all life on this good planet will not be spared. What do we do now, Caesar." Fang asked.

Caesar turned his back at Fang for a minute as he paced around the room. He then turned back to Fang and responded, " For now, we shall do like the others. We shall observe from the shadows, only intervening when urgent. Let us see if man can deal with himself."

" Send out the message, let the other 'creatures' know of man's wicked deeds." Fang nodded and quickly ran out from the large rock. He then clawed his way up to the top of the rock, took in a very deep breath and let out a very mighty howl that spread out in all directions. This was a serious issue.