" I saw what you guys did last night. Have to say, that was impressive. However, you now have many eyes watching you, all of you, including Max." Phoenix took a long pause before continuing, " Now concerning a way forward, I have a few ideas. Phoenix ran to his room and returned a few minutes later with a chat. " Here is a map of the warehouse district. I want us, The Cold Flame Gang, to expand across this whole town."

" I want everyone to know just how powerful we are, in terms of strength...and monetary value. My suggestion is...we buy every warehouse in this district and turn them either into clubs, restaurants, stores and other junk. What's your say, fireman?"

" I say go for it. Not only will the citizens see our power but we shall also be helping them out with jobs and what not." Max said.

" What about the money." Moka asked. " All of this will cost us, right? I don't think the little club will pay for all of this."

" Don't worry about that. I'll handle it." Phoenix cheekily said.

" If I may, " Benjamin said. " Can we also have a training facility for us. I mean, we're strong but what about the others?"

" Good question and I totally agree, For now, you guys can use my place, just don't ruin it and don't let the neighbors know what's happening."

With that said, the meeting was over and CJ, Max, Rin and Sue headed off to school for another day. Little did they know that they were being stalked by not one but three people.

" So, you have become much stronger than I expected, Max Lin. Will you still be able to handle what your heading into?" The person who said that was the stranger from the previous week when Max and Rin were in a bit of a conundrum. As for who he was, it was to early in the morning to make out who it was.

" Just as I thought, he has accomplices. If only I had one hundred percent more proof." Damion,who was much further away from the stranger said as he watched them from the roof top of a building. The third stranger was Fang, the silver werewolf who was sent back to Raid Town by Caesar to keep an eye on Max.

" Hmph, so I was right. The red hair boy all along, and Xin failed to see it, what a fool. But I'm glad he has it, and not that fat man Lidong." Earlier in the late hours of the night, Caesar had tasked Fang with the responsibility of watching over the 'new blood' and Phoenix. Fang already knew who the package thief was because he had a strong sense of smell. He didn't rat out on Max because he wanted that package gone, one way or another. "These must be the other transformed fire mutants. Let's see how the new blood handles this."


Back in Raid City, a convoy of expensive, flashy cars was seen heading towards the docks, some where in the city's outskirts. A total of eight cars had parked at the docks and out came four of the most powerful and influential people in the city. Lidong was the first to step out of his car followed by Bruce. The third person wasn't a man but rather a woman. She was averagely tall with grey-white skin, shaggy short hair and was dressed in leather clothes.

" Slider, glad you could make it." Bruce said.

" Whatever Teddy. What did you call us here for?" She asked rather impatiently.

" Relax," Lidong said. " We gotta wait for the other one to come out." The fourth car door opened and out came someone rather surprising.

" AJ, nice to see you here. I hope your doing well." Lidong taunted.

" Nice to see me? After what you did Lidong, you should be ashamed." AJ, CJ's father, angrily responded as he rushed to give Lidong a beating. Bruce held Lidong back while Slider held AJ back.

" What's the matter with both of you? Slider asked.

" Ask him, I don't know why he's mad at me."

" You know why, you snake. You stole my technology and used it to remake some lousy green beasts."

" Oh you mean this." Lidong pulled out a test tube with a red liquid in it. AJ halted his rampage and observed the test tube from a distance. " What did you do with my DNA samples, Lidong?"

" Nothing. I just borrowed them and had them....upgraded. That's all."

" That DNA was under development, You shouldn't be using it any way you wish." AJ said.

" Don't worry, AJ. All will be revealed with time."

" Why you SON OF A...."

"ENOUGH!!!" Bruce yelled, making the two men shut up. " This wasn't why I called the four of us here four. I've got pressing news about...the fireman."

" What about him?" Slider asked.

" Don't you see. This guy...or kid is growing too strong, too fast."

" So?" Slider asked. " Just because some kid's making the news doesn't mean he's going to do us no harm."

" You don't get it." Bruce interrupted. " I was at that town last week and I faced that kid. Trust me, he isn't what he seems. When I faced him, he only had those fire coated arms and speed but now look." Bruce showed them a video of Max using his fire blow on Xin. The clip made Lidong get so upset that the vein on his small fat head started bulging.

"So what's your point?" AJ asked.

" What's the poi.....OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE. HE'S A THREAT TO ALL OF US. If he took out a small gang in a week, imagine what he can do in a month."

" I personally don't have any problem with him. As long as he doesn't bother me, I won't bother him." Slider got back in her car and left the men behind.

" Same goes for me. I only deal with science, business and technology. You guys deal with gang business. The way I see it, he's only a threat to you. Good day." AJ also got in his car and left, leaving Bruce and Lidong alone.

" So I guess you're going too, right?" Bruce asked without making eye contact. Lidong walked up to him, bent a little and whispered in his ear, " Let's discuss this on Friday. I too have a score to settle with the fireman."