"A score to settle? What do you mean?" Bruce became more curious." What did the boy do to one of the Kings?" He asked mockingly.

" Last week, I had one of my most valuable workers take a valuable package and hide it from the likes of you." Bruce frowned. " She formed a gang to protect her and the package from any one who posed a threat. Luckily, no one came for it directly...or so I thought. A few days later, she tells me that my package was stolen by one of the locals. I would have killed her, but even I didn't know what was in that briefcase so I spared her life and told her to get it back."

" Did she, or did she not?" Bruce asked.

" She tried. I gave her idiotic worker beasts to draw out the thief but that when...."

" The fireman showed up." Bruce interrupted.

" Exactly. Days went by and she still failed to find the thief so she started robbing the town in order to make them suffer. Last night, I got news that she was killed and her worker was put in jail and guess who's responsible for that."

" That damn fireman." Bruce cursed inwardly. " He has ruined you and now he might come for either one of us next. We have to get rid of him, no matter what it takes."

" Relax, teddy." Bruce frowned again. " There's a way for both of us to get our revenge without getting our hands dirty. Meet me at the town's entrance on Friday evening. We shall rain terror and blood on that sorry town and that loser of a mutant."

" Deal. I'll bring a little more reinforcements of my own." With that said, the two of the four 'kings' departed from the docks and headed in their different direction.


Back in Raid Town, the people were glad and cheering a little because something special was happening for them. A fleet of construction workers, construction vehicles carrying material and multiple vehicles were driving allover Raid Town. It was rare for the people of Raid Town to see life in their town so when they did, they appreciated every moment.

*What do you think is going on?"

" I don't know, but I think they're construction workers."

" Duh, we can all see that?"

"Do you think the fireman has something to do with this?"

" Maybe but I hope he does. He's our ray of sunshine."

" Bro...."

The construction entourage split in two, one was heading to the warehouse district and another was heading over to the good side of Raid Town, the are where Phoenix's mansion was. The second construction entourage was going to finalize with the preparations for Phoenix's mutant academy while the first one was going to lay waste and rebuild the warehouse district, as per Phoenix's idea.

Phoenix, however, was at his mansion helping out a certain someone. The young girl with the teleportation power was in the mansion's backyard training with Phoenix personally while some of her other mutants cheered her on. Chelsea, a shy, introverted girl, was rather enjoying her training time with Phoenix. Compared to the tryouts, she was doing much better.

" Good job, Chels." Phoenix cheered. " Although next time, do remember to return with what I actually ask you to return. Now let's try that again. Head over to the Cold Flame club and return with...a cold soda." Chelsea nodded in response and soon, her body glowed a bright blue and dispersed in thin air. A few seconds later, she returned in one piece but the same couldn't be said for the soda.

" Hmm, it seems like objects can restructure themselves. What about people?" Phoenix thought on who he's guinea pig should be in order to prove his theory. " That's it. Benjamin, can you please come over to the back yard." Benjamin immediately appeared, eagerly waiting for what Phoenix wanted to tell him.

" Hey big guy. You can make doubles of yourselves right?"

" Yes sir but, why do you ask?" Phoenix eerily smiled and asked Benjamin to make a clone of himself, which he did. Phoenix then winked at Chelsea, who responded by running at Benjamin's clone, grabbing a hold of it and teleporting to a random location.

" What just happened?" Benjamin wondered. They waited for a few minutes and then Chelsea showed up. As for the clone, it was in a very sorry state. " I don't know what happened." She apologized. " When I got to where I wanted, his clone looked really exhausted but now, it looks like....this." The clone's face was a little disfigured and a couple of its body parts were gone. As for Benjamin, the pain was starting to reduce, so he was able to regain his composure.

" Thanks for your help Benjamin." Phoenix said as he waved Benjamin off. " Looks like you can't even teleport people, not at least twice. But I think this can be an advantage for us. Get some rest, you'll exhibit what you've learnt to the fireman, wooooo scary, right?"

" Not really. I know he's a skinny boy."

" Oh, I wouldn't be saying that just yet."


*Okay class, I mean dudes and chicks. Today you will be introduced to the wonderful world of trigonometry. We.....*

"Auuugggghhhhh" The whole classroom grumbled. Ever since Xin left the school, their new teacher, Mr. Alex, was a total bore. He was everything no one wanted in a teacher. Skinny but tall, boring with a poor sense of humor and worst of all, one who tries to make a boring subject seem fun by acting like a teenager.

" C'mon dude. Do us all a favor and leave." One of the boys said.

" Yeah 'dude'. Your bumming us out. Bring back Xin. Bring back Xin, Bring back Xin." The whole class started to chant, drawing the attention of the school principle who rushed in and yelled, " What seems to be the problem here?"

" Dude, you did a total injustice by firing that Xin chick bro."

" Yeah, why did you replace her with this..." The classrooms' ruthless taunts were making Mr. Alex feel terrible about himself.

" In case you didn't know, Mrs. Xin was the four armed mutant lady that was killed yesterday."