"Someone just tried to kill us."

  Max stared into the dark corners of the upstairs abandoned mall and saw a dark figure running away from them. Out of anger, he threw out a fireball that the figure missed by an inch. "He's over there." Max used his firewalk and pursued the person but his firewalk skill wasn't allowing him to catch up to them, even though it doubled his stats. "What the hell? I thought this skill doubled all my stats, Why aren't I catching up to them?" *Ding*

  [Skill Level up]

[Fire Walk: Level 2]

[All stats have been tripled]

[ Progress until next level up: 2/1000]

  "Oh thank you, God, for the level up," Max's body felt lighter, faster, and more energetic so he picked up the pace and pursued the figure. He left Moka and Phoenix behind as he diligently ran after whoever tried to blow them up.