CH152: ONE GO.

  While Mr. Fisk and Damion were on their way to the city, Phoenix, Moka, Miv and the others were trying to make their way out of the building before it collapsed. The demon-dead mutants on the ground floors destroyed all the support beams and pillars of the building as they waited to see how the fire mutants would escape.

"How did they find us?"

"I don't know but I'm not letting them get to us," Phoenix said as he held both girls by their hands, ran to the top floor, and jumped off the building. The two girls immediately transformed into their fire phoenix forms and escaped the crumbling building with Phoenix.

  As they flew away, they noticed how the streets were filled with twice the number of demon-dead mutants. Most were on the streets while others tried keeping up with them by jumping from building to building. The fire mutants thought they were safe but suddenly, chains popped out from two towers on either side.