Phoenix, Moka, and the other mutants were quickly transported to Squads C and D by the woman whose powers weren't known yet. As she was transporting them, certain features of her body changed but she made sure that no one got a good, clear look at her. After dropping them off, the woman was about to take off again but Phoenix held her hand and said, "Please, we'll need all the help that we can get. Stay and fight with us."

The woman glared at Phoenix with her now glowing golden eyes and said, " You won't want me to be here when I'm fighting." She then disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving Pheonix and the others standing as they waited for the charging dead mutants to arrive.

  Most members of Squads C and D were composed of normals, with only a few of them having mutant capabilities that were too weak and useless compared to these new demon-dead mutant variants, meaning that this was going to be a slaughter for all of them.