"NO, DON'T COME ANY CLOSER. IT'S A TRAP." Raiko screamed at Pharaoh and the other demon-dead mutants with him but they were too focused on killing Max on spot. Max, on the other hand, had his hands raised up as he passed an eery glare at Raiko, who was bound by dark Max's chains.

Raiko tried to set himself free from the chains but the more he struggled, the tighter the chains wrapped themselves around his body. It got so bad that his breathing began to deteriorate and his muscles ached terribly.

"What...what is this. What have you done to me?" He asked as he glared at Max.

"Oh, that?" dark Max replied with a smile. He then folded his fist and the dark energy that was placed in Raiko's face earlier pulsated, causing the dead mutant a lot of pain. "As long as my energy's inside you, you'll grow weaker until you die." He then laughed as flames slowly covered his body.