[Bonus chapter]CH159: WHAT'S NEXT? AGAIN!

  "Over here. I think there's something over here." Rin said as she pointed at what looked like a corpse on the ground. When she and the others got to it, they witnessed a 'beheaded' Raiko laying dead on the floor. Damion endeavored to extract his bones while the others continued their search for Max.

"I can't believe it," Damion said. "Max single-handedly took out one of these, and they're supposed to be the toughest."

"Shame we didn't get to witness it." Fisk sighed.

"Over here. I've found him. He's over here." Archer and Benjamin shouted as they rushed over to Max's body. A small pool of blood was forming under him as his skin grew pale and developed a slight, blue hue.

"He's losing a lot of blood. Quick, we've gotta get him some medical attention."

"Here. Let me." Rin, even though weak, carried Max's body and fire walked her way through the burning city, and ran to where Fisk's remaining forces were.