The city was in flames, burning and destroying everything in sight. Fisk's people, Damion's people, and all the members of the Silencer's sect watched as the city was reduced to ashes. It was a long and quiet event for all of them as most of them wondered what was going to happen next.

  By the time the flames cooled down, Fisk already had everyone and everything in his previous sect transferred to the outskirts of the burnt city. He ordered them to set up camp for everyone that was there, while Damion and Rin returned to their sect and did the same thing as Fisk's people did.

  It took two days for them to set up camp while those in the leadership positions gathered together on how they were to contact the others. AJ, Damion, Fisk, and Phoenix had a special tent pitched up for them. It was the largest and most decorated of them all, signaling that it was the main command center.