"Hello, Max. Surprised to see me?"  The blonde man said with a cheeky smile. The others were lost and asked each other who the strange man was and why he was smiling weirdly at Max. 

"Who are you and what do you want?"  Rin asked while she and the others stood in front of Max to protect him.

"Guys, no need. I know who he…"

"Go to sleep." He said and all the fire mutants, apart from Max, dropped to the ground and slept. Max, who was taken by this sudden, unexplained action, looked at the man with fright after just seeing a glimpse of his power. 

"How…how did you do that?" He asked as his hands began to shake. 'Why's my body shaking this much? Could it be because he made the system?"

The blonde man was none other than James McLarcy, son of Jim McLarcy and creator of the mutant system. James smiled at Max one more time before he turned back and walked away from the tent he was in.